
Recent building physics preprints


Recently we submitted a couple of manuscripts, which report on our progress in the development of new numerical approaches for future building simulation’ tools.

The first preprint is basically the generalization of the Dufort-Frankel method applied earlier to scalar nonlinear models. This time we go to coupled nonlinear heat and moisture transfer. Moreover, we apply our algorithms to realistic configurations of two adjacent rooms together with air temperature inside. So, these results are described in this preprint together with the advantages of using explicit schemes to avoid synchronisation problems and large coupled nonlinear systems:

The second preprint is rather a continuation of our previous investigation on the optimal experimental design. This time we consider more general models including also some advection effects of moisture and we solve an inverse problem to estimate material properties. The experimental part of this work was brilliantly performed by Thomas Busser:

That’s all for the moment. More preprints are coming in the nearest future.

My name is Denys Dutykh and I am an applied mathematician. On this site you will find some material related to my professional research activities. Some additional information is available here:


I am employed as a CNRS researcher at the Laboratory of Mathematics (LAMA UMR #5127), University of Savoie, France. My position is officially entitled "Chargé de Recherche CNRS", PhD, HDR.

My current research interests focus on the mathematical modeling of various natural processes. More specifically, we are interested in some phenomena arising in the fluid mechanics and water wave theory. Moreover, we develop efficient simulation tools and numerical methods to solve mathematical models under consideration.

I am completely open to new collaborations. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions in the areas of my expertise and/or scientific interests. Any research and professional opportunities are welcome.