
Recent submissions


This is post is going to be mainly the overview of various preprints that we submitted recently with my precious co-authors.

Water waves

Let us start with my favourite topic - the water waves. With Didier Clamond we finalized our preprint on the brand new regularized shallow water (Airy-Saint-Venant) equations. The main idea is to suppress shock waves (i.e. replace them by smoother fronts) without adding any dissipation, any dispersion. We decided to call this type of modification as Hamiltonian regularization. More details can be found in our preprint:

A few days ago I delivered a colloquium talk on this topic at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël SalemUniversity of Rouen. The slides can be downloaded here.

Stratified flows

Last month with Valery Liapidevskii we finalized a work, which was started back in 2011 when Valery came to my university as invited Professor. This work is devoted to the modelling of turbidity (density) currents in general, and focuses especially on the determination of the front velocity. After so many years of collaboration, the article turned out to be quite long:

Building physics

And as always, there is a number of new submissions on the building physics matters. First of all, we continued our researches on the identification and optimal experimental design:

This is already the third preprint in this direction. Moreover, we started a new research direction - the application of spectral methods to building physics. The spectral methods are not new. However, they seem to be essentially unknown in the building physics community. Moreover, they are so efficient that they can be seen as model reduction techniques. Two following preprints are devoted to this topic:

Nota bene:

It goes without saying that all preprints are freely available through HAL server. The links are provided above.

My name is Denys Dutykh and I am an applied mathematician. On this site you will find some material related to my professional research activities. Some additional information is available here:


I am employed as a CNRS researcher at the Laboratory of Mathematics (LAMA UMR #5127), University of Savoie, France. My position is officially entitled "Chargé de Recherche CNRS", PhD, HDR.

My current research interests focus on the mathematical modeling of various natural processes. More specifically, we are interested in some phenomena arising in the fluid mechanics and water wave theory. Moreover, we develop efficient simulation tools and numerical methods to solve mathematical models under consideration.

I am completely open to new collaborations. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions in the areas of my expertise and/or scientific interests. Any research and professional opportunities are welcome.